DAS Monitoring System Trial Preparation Survey

As we aim to provide a solution that best fits your organization’s specific needs, we seek insights from various departments within your company — IT, Operations Management, Engineering, and the Executive Team. This approach ensures that the trial addresses all critical aspects from technical requirements to strategic impacts, enhancing the overall effectiveness of our platform for your unique operational environment.

**All information provided will be treated as confidential in accordance with our mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA). It will be used solely for the purposes of this trial process and, should we proceed, for any subsequent deployment**

Start the survey below

DAS Trial / Demo Environment
Which of these DAS technologies do you primarily work with?
Other DAS systems you work with (include legacy systems)
What are the main challenges you are facing with your current DAS monitoring systems? (select multiple if applicable)
Main challenges with current DAS system
What specific outcomes or benefits are you hoping to achieve from implementing a new DAS management system?
Specific outcomes or benefits you are hoping to achieve
In order of importance to your role, which benefits are you most interested in achieving with the introduction of a new DAS management system?
Scaling network management operations
Faster Problem Resolution
Optimizing the management of multi-vendor systems
Optimizing the management of multiple sites
Improving network reliability and uptime
Improved Customer Experience
Reducing operational and capital expenditures
Please select 1 for your top priority and
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